Breastfeeding & Beyond Class

(Formerly known as Infant Feeding)

Once your baby arrives, a new set of challenges begin. Determining how to best feed your baby may seem like an easy decision, but often times it can lead to frustration and self doubt in the early days of your baby’s life. With a primary focus on Breastfeeding, our Breastfeeding & Beyond Class covers many aspects of feeding your baby during the first year of life. Feeding your baby is not one size fits all, and we recognize that and want to support you through this time in your baby’s life. We will cover challenges and obstacles and leave you with information to make informed decisions along the way during your feeding journey. Our Breastfeeding & Beyond class is taught by our owner/certified doula, Rachel Howell who is also a Certified Infant Feeding Educator and Certified Childbirth Educator. We will cover a variety of topics so that you leave feeling empowered, prepared, and confident!

$175 per Couple

  • One 4-hour long class
  • Classes are held at least once a month
  • All classes are held in our office
  • Maximum of 4 couples per class

    Our Infant Feeding Class will cover a variety of topics to include, but not limited to:

    • Goal setting for infant feeding
    • Deciding on how to feed baby
    • Breastfeeding in the early days
    • Breastfeeding challenges and how to overcome them
    • Stages of Lactation
    • Supplementation
    • Formula and bottle feeding
    • Pumping and returning to work
    • Starting solids
    • And much more…

    *We recommend choosing a class that occurs when you will be between 30-34 weeks pregnant.

    Available Breastfeeding & Beyond Classes

    Private Breastfeeding & Beyond Classes

    Allow our skilled educator to customize your infant feeding class content based on your unique needs and desires!

    • $75 per hour
    • Sessions are 2 hours each
    • Schedule 1 or multiple classes
    • Option to add additional participants such as grandparents or caregivers

    All classes take place at our office.

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