Meet Julianne Cooper

Postpartum Doula
Rachel Howell with Family
Rachel Howell with Family

Julianne is a certified Birth Doula through ProDoula and a pre-certified Postpartum Doula through DONA International. Julianne has always been highly observant and intuitive, while at the same time having a desire to care for people. This is how she ended up with a master’s degree in counseling. When Julianne discovered what a doula was, her heart leapt at the thought of using her gifts to support families in one of the most important seasons of their lives. 

Julianne firmly believes in a mother’s intuition and works to help parents feel supported in their birthing and parenting choices. She thoroughly enjoys watching people become parents, whether it is for the first or the fifth time. Julianne sees pregnancy and birth to be a sacred, supernatural experience, and loves to help her clients invite the presence of God into the process. When she is not supporting families, Julianne enjoys baking, gardening, and traveling the world. Julianne sees motherhood as a work that is Holy unto the Lord and is looking forward to being a mother herself one day!

Julianne is based out of Newnan in Coweta County and provides birth support to clients who live within an hour of Newnan. She provides Labor and Birth Doula support as well as Postpartum Doula support. Fill out the contact form below to get in touch with Julianne! 

Labor Certified

Julianne is a ProDoula Certified Labor Doula & a Dona Pre-Certified Postpartum Doula

Dona International

Contact Julianne!

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