Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and our final authority for faith and practice.

We believe in the creation of man – both male and female – in the image of God, by the direct act of God, imbuing human life and form with innate dignity and worth above the rest of the created world.

We believe in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.

We believe that Jesus’ sinless life and sacrificial death are the perfect vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind.

We believe that Jesus rose bodily from the grave: the ultimate defeat of sin, death and hell!

We believe that forgiveness of sins and new life through the Holy Spirit are available to all those who choose to come to God by grace, through personal faith in the finished work of Christ.

We fully support all prospective, current, and past clients of North Georgia Family Doulas, LLC with honor, grace, dignity, and without judgement.

We believe that each individual, regardless of race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or God given gender deserves to be treated with honor, grace, dignity, and without judgement.

We believe that it is not our role or position to cast judgement upon anyone for their personal believes or actions and we agree to show love and support for all who call upon us for support, just as Christ Jesus would have done during his earthly life and continues to do in his heavenly life.


“No doubt about it: children are a gift from the LORD; 
        the fruit of the womb is a Divine reward.” 
                            Psalm 127:3 (CEB)

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